Wednesday 18 May 2016

Planetbase (Day 4) Recap:

So, today I picked a brand new landing site and played a much more conservative game. The way I played more conservatively was by making sure I had plenty of electricity being generated and stored, because last time I ran out of power almost every night.

About 10 minutes in this is what my base looked like; basically just the necessities and LOTS of power is too come.

Later on, I ran into the problem of not having enough metal, i solved this by realizing that all the ore I had was litteraly meant to be turned into metal, so I rushed production in my factory.

This is as far as I got today, I had just installed the landing pad, things were looking up, but then...BOOM, the game crashed.

So, I kind of got screwed over today, although my actual play-through went rather well i'd say.

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