Thursday 18 February 2016

Road Trip (Day 9)

                     HERE WE GO!! Day one of Comic-Con 2016 is finally upon us. The whole gang got up early for breakfast, it tasted especially delicious with all the excitement overpowering our senses. We walked to the convention centre at 8:45am and promptly got into line. We had to wait until nine-thirty to get in, but it was worth it.
          The doors opened and we made hast inside. My eyes were bombarded with so many beautiful sites. Comic books, cos-players, video games, movie props and action figures: I'm in love.
Once inside, Aleks and I went on our own, leaving James and Jordan behind. We spent hours fan-boying over practically EVERYTHING. We talked to some cos-players with awesome costumes, they were such nice and open people.
Were has this been all my life?!

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