Thursday 11 February 2016

My Dream Destination

                       As soon as possible, I would love to travel just about ANYWHERE. From going back to Europe, to exploring Asia, the U.S., Africa...but above all other great places in the world, I need to go to Australia. Maybe it's the wildlife (even though it's incredibly deadly), maybe it's the absolutely gorgeous scenery; whatever the case may be, I just need to explore this wondrous continent.
Sidney, Australia
           The cities I would love to visit most are: Sidney, Perth, Melbourne and Brisbane; pretty much the basic, tourist-y places. Well, I mean, the outback could definitely be very fun, so we'll see.
Perth, Australia

New York, NY
            Aside from Australia, I really want to explore all of America. So far, I've been to Seattle, Portland and Anaheim and loved every trip to the states. I'd love to go back to Seattle right after school ends and go watch a Seahawks game. Then I'd love to visit all of Los Angeles; Denver, Chicago, Dallas, New Orleans, New York, etc. There is just so much to see and do.
Los Angeles, USA

Lastly, I'd love to go back to Europe at sometime in my life. Two years ago, I went for a complete month. For the first week, I stayed in London -which was just so full of culture and diversity- and then for the other three weeks, I stayed in Norway - visiting distant relatives.
Stavanger, Norway
London, England


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