Thursday 18 February 2016

Road Trip (Day 12)

   Welp, it's here, the final day of Comic-Con. We fly back to Vancouver tomorrow afternoon so, we gotta enjoy it all today.
   We got to the centre at 10 today ( Aleks took forever), so we were late on the last day. I decided we should all stick together today, no complaints were made. We all bought tickets to the biggest panel this weekend for: Marvel Infinity War Part 1. This movie is gonna be sick, especially after the comic versions. Those are my favorite ones! After the panel, we spent a few more hours walking around, looking for nerdy things to buy; Aleks bought some...weird anime sword or something, i don't know, I don't watch anime. Jordan got a new Thor hammer.

   It was a good day!
See ya later Comic-Con

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