Wednesday, 10 February 2016

My Future Career Plans

           With the end of high school only four months away, it's obvious that alot of the grads this year are thinking about what they're going to do come the end of June, including me. While this whole process is stressful and brings out the existentialist in all of this, it is exciting isn't it? To think, that my friends and peers that I've known more or less since grade six, will all become young adults starting their own lives. It's absolutely unreal.
                    Needless to say, I've put alot of thought into my post-high school life; what my hours of thought and planning have come up with is: firstly, I plan on taking half a year or so to just work full-time and save up some money. Then, I'll apply to Kwantlen Polytechnic University and/or UFV. At university I'd like to take a journalism course and a scriptwriting/creative writing course.
                Ever since grade school I've realised that I possess a passion and a talent for writing. I love telling stories that connect with people, make them feel something deep down, come to terms with who they are, make 'em question who they are. I got into writing because it gave me a healthy release from alot of the negative emotions that enveloped me as a young teenager. I can deal with anxiety, anger and sadness, all with writing.

                    My biggest inspirations are: Jim Morrison, Kendrick Lamar,Stanley Kubrick, Stephen Spielberg, Quentin Tarantino,William Shakespeare, Peter Jackson, Stephen King and many others. One day I'd love to be either a somewhat successful script-writer or a sports journalist.


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