Monday 25 April 2016

What future generations will wear

I think that the people living in 3016 will wear whatever materials they can find because my money is on world destruction within one-hundred years. Common people will find warmth, comfort, style and modesty in materials such as: rags, ripped cloth, towels, tablecloths...anything really.

Some people may become skilled in welding together scrap metals to create some sort of rickety, unorthodox body armor.

I think the entire look would be summed up in two simple words: 'homeless' and 'warrior'.

   Basically, the entire idea of 'fashion' would become obsolete and would be replaced with practicality, resourcefulness and survival aspects.

 Imagine the combined look of the people in the Mad Max and the Fallout series . THAT is what i'm going for here.

Grimy, Rough, Intimidating, Post-Apocalyptic....survival gear, not clothes.


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